AFSC 1N0X1 All Source Intelligence Analyst (2024)

Duty Description

- Coordinates world-wide enemy orders-of-battles, in-depth studies, & intel articles ISO geographically dispersed units
- Delivers timely all-source analysis for intel products used to plan, coordinate, command, & control ground operations
- Intel Focal Point! Keeps operators mission focused & globally aware with weekly current intel briefs & newsletter

- Delivers adversary threat briefs to squadron; ensures unit personnel are knowledgeable on threat system information
- Monitors/presents global intelligence developments/potential threats to air ops; heightens global awareness of unit
- Researches, analyzes, develops, & presents current, all-source intelligence to AD mission crews & sqdn leadership


- 1st Intel to attend JUMPS training; creat'd quick guide focus'd on Intel relat'd tasks--accelerated shop learning by 50%

- Accurately prepared air defense war fighters on time-sensitive intelligence regarding LRA activity in the PAC AOR
- Advised JFHQ-DODIN J2 and GO/FO ldrship on intelligence staffing, training, & resource to spt fulfilling cmd PIRs
- Analyzed RU wpn dplymnt; updated threat-to-air ops f/80K CF sorties--prov'd SecDef w/assessment in less than 4 hrs
- Assisted cyber sync; prov'd enl perspective/advised AFCENT defensive planner--crit to AOR VPN handbook construct

- Authored 36 msn reports; detailed 45 combat ISR tasks & 12 strikes--equipped leaders w/situation intelligence
- Authored 45+ msn storyboards; provided required intel analysis; enhanced supported units target development
- Authored six imagery products; created annotated snaps of tgt bldgs; provided vital intel for SOF grnd ops prep

- Briefed 20 wkly Wg/CC brfs; delivered priority-NK focused updates--pivotal SA for 3 AMC Wgs, coined by SECAF
- Broadened adversary rpt'g; coord'd w/4 orgs/fused natl collect--incr'd air coverage 412K sq miles/acft flt rpt'g by 470%
- Built pattern of life profiles/intel on 82 objs; coord'd observations to gnd/CC--helped neutralize 214 insurgents

- Charted POTUS dir'd tasking; 6 acft aircrew/acft < 7hrs/expended 4T muns--9 tgts destroyed/1st SEAD msn in 10 yrs
- Combined multiple intel products; crafted 20 vehicle storyboards; assisted in execution of SOF targeting cycle
- Compiled 15 sources into 30 products; analytical skill delivered intel to WG staff--aided informed decisions
- Completed 12-week AOC training w/ amazing 95%; learned key tools/processes; applied new skills to AOC mission

- Conducted 11 travel safety briefs; ID'd threat vectors f/65 PACAF travelers--effectively mitigated risks, zero incidents
- Conducted 144 hrs ISR msn spt; briefed on HVTs POL & grnd CC intents--elevated 216 crew mbrs knowledge
- Conducted 385 hrs FMV; produced 286 video based reports; vital trend analysis identified for future SOF ops
- Conducted COVID19 bldg entrance screening; ensured health & safety of members--safeguarded mission persistence

- Consolidated/elim'd 15 faulty 779 EAS procedures; trnd 100% prsnl new ops--incr'd force tempo efficiency by 200%
- Constructed 256 surveillance snapshots; analyzed enemy patterns-of-life; documented tgt research for 56 HVIs
- Coordinated 61 combat sorties; ensured timely/accurate intel spt for 16 OEF msns--rslt'd 11 HVTs neutralized
- Correlated multi-intel disciplines; provided key analytic input for JTF plans; enabled success of 2,600+ msns

- Created 210 intel read books; provided persistent overwatch of nine priority requirements within 32 countries
- Created 28 detailed msn target logs; distributed adversary tactics/PoL; expedited capture/kill of 20+ insurgents
- Created post msn prods capturing TF CCIR's; analysis incr SA to ground force--1,779 women/children secured
- Cutting-edge ldrship at its best! Merging intel and cyber OPS while blazing a path for future 5th Domain Warfighters

- DAFB IO pgm manager; created tngs/maintained pers records for 40 USAF mbrs--protected/secured US pers PII/PIO
- Debriefed 2 AMC msns/10 prsnl; trigger'd 18 AF/A2 SIPR VTC request--extinguish'd Jordan AFLD intel gaps
- Delivered 108 GO-level ops/intel briefs; shaped MAAP/ATO planning vs ISIS/Taliban--awarded ISRD Amn of 3Q '18
- Deply'd to 816 DET ISO ORH/OIR/OFS; rep for 33 aflds/15 nats/5 coalition partners--16k PAX/8M lbs cargo moved

- Develop'd RPs to mitigate attribution, ensure data integrity, id active threat cells, & leverage OSINT to spt named ops
- Devlp'd new JSOAC-E intel battle rhythm; dlvr'd 12 updates/ID'd emerging threats--ensured safety f/300 deply'd mbrs
- Disseminated actionable intel to wing ldrship; authored 17 daily readfiles--enhanced leaders decision-making
- Drafted quick-turn SecDef response; assessed RU acft scramble times--verified alert status f/37 Coalition combat units

- Drove 2,135 imagery rpt qual checks; tracked enemy objs, sent timely analysis; theater postured for major cmbt ops
- Drove 2010 UCI prep; built trng prgm for flt/17 critical items--key to intel Team Superior Performer award
- Drove steady ops; led COA dev, deconflicted 1,200+ DCO events with 2 orgs--thwarted 1,000s of adversary attempts
- Drove Syrian AD analysis; eval'd 3.3K rpts/660 wpn sys--vectored 1.5K ISR msns/awarded CAOC performer of month

- Earned 1/110 annual PAI certs; utilized dark web/ID'd 49 UAS strikes--penned report to CJCS/AFCENT/coined by A2
- Enabled 18 wide area surveillance msns; provided ISR taskings to operators--coord'd reach back intel to 7 ops
- Ensured successful parameters on three strikes; sup'd CIVCAS mitigation/tgt coord--enabled one HVT removal
- Estab'd Emerg Mng pln; arranged 37 mbrs EOD/PAR tm trng, dvlp'd recall prcs--flexed unit readiness/aced 2 JADEX

- Executed 1,360 hrs/274 obj; authored 548 TL, 45 actioned tgts/5 kinetic strikes logged--intel spt'd OEF success
- Executed 102 msns; composed 36 mission storyboards; established pattern-of-life baseline for future tgt R&D
- Executed 153 debrfs; authored 12 SAFIRE/LASER/JAM/OBS MISREPs--exceeded 95% SIGACT report time rqmts
- Expanded CFACC's SA; analyzed largest-ever UAS enemy ex/coord'd w/5 orgs--incr'd AOC tracking 120%/ID'd 50 acft

- Exploited 318 hours FMV; vetted intelligence against JSOTF standards; distributed products across two AORs

- Filled in 23 days/NCOIC of AOC's largest branch; led 37 analysts--25 intel products & 3 taskers to AFSOUTH
- Flight Chief for 4 wks; led 17 mil/civ daily, conducted orientation for 3 new mbrs--ensured 100% msn success
- Fundamental to AFI 14-202 vols rewrite; ST intel techniques captured--vital operations TTPs reflect'd in AFIs
- Fused 42 MSA/FMV intel products; provided crucial direct action first-phase intelligence; enabled three EKIA

- Go-to A/AD expert; tracked 660 wpn sys/brf'd 95 O-7 updates--awarded CAOC Dir award (1 of 800)/coined by CMSAF
- ID'd adversary UAV tactic; eval'd 180 msns/coord'd w/4 strat orgs--shaped COMACC vision of evolving ISR utilization
- Integral in 26 STS standup; secured $350K latest intel equipment--newest sq primed to execute global ST ops

- Key mbr on four-analyst tm; built 26 Gp/CC intel briefs; expertise guided ldrs insight, ST global force posture
- Key to integrated ISR operations alternate location; exploited 211 hrs FMV; validated AFSOC CC ISR vision

- Lead analyst f/8 HHQ video conferences; coord'd/sync'd rpting across 6 sqs/4 wgs--guided AFSOC/CC decision prcs
- Lead Sq all-source team through difficult cyber TTPs & terms; achieved CC PIRs--analysts primed for msn support!
- Led 4 Amn; eval'd 769 flts/ID'd shift near CF site--briefed RU intent to AFCENT/CC, postured FP/secured 2K CF mbrs
- Led 6 pers intel team; dlvr'd 91 intel rpts to 4 wgs/1.2k pers--spt'd 3 NATO allies/enabled 488 sorties/4 exs/1 deplymnt

- Led 7-man AF/NGA tm, fulfilled 21 info requests, 13 Gp/CC briefs, guided leaders' insight/ST global force posture
- Led analysis on strategic events; provided 360 hrs of intel into update brief--ensured senior J2 leadership SA
- Led gp debrief program, core AFSOC producer, originated 21 reports, five evaluations rated "best report to date"
- Led intel community on CFACC's priority; unveiled 2 risks/shaped AOR defense; 2K msns flown with 12 new TTPs

- Led intel supt to battle staff for 20## ORE; provided attack warning/analysis--identified as Superior Performer
- Led sourcing of 134 CAOC taskings for AF's 3d most stressed AFSC; uninteruppted intel spt to theater air ops
- Led sq weekly intel pub productions; researched/analyzed/authored 16 rpts--passed crit info to 270 warfighters
- Logged 105 hrs as eyes on ; supported 12 overwatch msns; protected 158 warfighters w/ zero coalition losses

- Maintained JADOCS; enhanced targeting/planning/juggernaut ability--fused ATO delivery iso >2K AOR ISR sorties
- Meticously created 60 classified readfiles; utilized by 355 FW leadership & intel professionals world-wide
- Mission focused; supported two cmbt overwatch of SOF forces; ensured safety of ground forces for 10+ hours
- Mng'd 816/779 EAS unit JPRC CSAR pgm; prep'd 237 ISOPREP/EPA kits--aided safety of 250 crew/essential prsnl

- Modernized 33 pre-msn products into single consolidated sys; deliver'd xx pre-msn brfs--incr'd op flow/continuity/std
- Nominated/selected for intel upgrade; 324 hrs dedicat'd analyst training; increas'd flt combat effectiveness 2%

- Oversaw $800K classified system inventory, doubled unit classified network access, production capacity expanded
- Oversaw 12 intel brfs to wg sr ldrship; analyzed 24 dynamic events--shaped decision response in EUCOM/AFRICOM

- Partnered w/Intelligence Community; improved DODIN boundary defenses; prevented 1M+ vulnerable connections
- Penned AFCENT task response; led 8 mbrs/codified 15K datapoints/6.3K RU sorties--prep'd 3-Star for int'l engagement
- Performed 278 hrs analysis; created 49 products; contributed actionable intelligence to five joint task forces
- Presented USAFSOS class; educated 23 present/future ldrs on wg ops in Africa--prep'd amn f/future dynamic msn sets

- Produced five SOF-tailored videos; positively ID'd three of top 25 tgts; enabled prosecution of top tgts in AOR
- Provided msn spt to 5 OEF ops; coord'd 91 combat sorties w/392 msn hrs--sup'd gnd/CC intentions to 240 psnl
- Provided op-lvl risk analysis to 3-Star; enabled msn COA development--postured global response to 54 cyber attacks

- Quarterbacked 6-mbr analytical tm; track'd 2746 sorties/produced 113 intel reports; max'd success of 10.5k ISR flts

- Re-est'd IC ex reporting standard; coord'd w/NASIC/NGA/NRO--tracked 4-day ex/43 acft/final report issued 83% faster
- Reported downed RU acft; coord'd w/2 tms/built 4 hr Syrian AD timeline--prep'd CENTCOM/CC for brief to Congress
- Responsible for cyber ISR analysis/DNI team stand-up to meet NSA, 25AF, ACC & AF for national msn integration
- Revamped inventory; purged 95 dated systems, disposed of sensitive items--armed gp w/$290K latest systems

- Selected by sq leadership for ops beta-test; supported 320 hrs NRT FMV; advanced flt manning reduction 33%
- Senior enlisted watch member; mentors four joint service teams on 24 hr watch--ensures watch team readiness
- Shift lead, four concurrent NATO Exers; oversaw 37 tasks/181 sorties/336 hrs--1st live muns drop Poland in 70+ yrs
- Solved software license mgmt problem; created new tracking process; saved $140K in unnecessary expenses

- Spearheaded 252 combat msn hrs; provided critical intel on enemy pattern of life--resulted in 8 tgts destroyed
- Spearheaded system conversions; upgraded classification of three computers--boosted productive capes 150%
- Standout cyber defender; directed blocks for 30K IOCs, published 220 intel rpts, defended $36B of IT infrastructure
- Stood-up msn tm; ID'd SAM dplymt/produced threat update code--recast DMOB f/117 units/incr'd SA f/4.8K sorties/yr

- Successfully graduated 1N0X1; All Source Intelligence Analyst Course at GAFB, Received top GPA from class
- Successfully reviewed and completed Intel, Surveillance, Recon CDP for 1N0 5 level training; GPA of over 90%
- Supervised 73 analyst change-overs; debriefed 876 hours of intel; allowed seamless overwatch of 32 nations
- Supervised 876 hrs of data mining; identified over 1500 strategic intel reports; provided to COCOM Gen Staff

- Supported 212 combat spt hrs; provided critical intel on enemy pattern of life--developed 358 potential targets
- Supported 28 xxxx msns in 6 theaters; resulted collection of 12K+ images--critical intel passed to warfighter
- Supported 329 hrs of ISR msns; authored 485 first-phase intel products; overall analysis led to 12 HVIs EKIA
- Supported 549 combat msn hrs; provided critical intel on enemy pattern of life to grnd CC--dev'd 214 HVI tgts

- Supported creation of 18 daily sched's; ID'd/corrected 36 psnl shortfalls--assigned/managed 72 sorties/57 psnl
- Supported PR contingency event; ensured timely & accurate product creation; assisted JSOTF decision making

- Team ldr for all-source analysts conducting 24/7/365 DCO for 15K nets & 3M users across all war-fighting domains


- Lead SCI mgr; oversaw admin of 65 sqdn members' upgrade/maintenance of TS clearance; ensured key access
- 600+ mbr wg Focal Point Prgm mgr; processed 200+ badges, completed 129 read-ins--mobilized SOF Amn for ops
- OSM for 75 pers; 6 clearances initiated, 65 reviewed -- zero write-ups amid annual insp/no security incidents


- Supervised intel UTC rewrite, 1st overhaul in 10 yrs; ID'd $2.25M equip shortfall--right-sized reqmt across gp
- Handpicked SME on eight mbr tm; rebuilt 18 gp UTC kits worth $9.6M--postured units for future mobilization
- Retooled $2.25M in intel equipment for 9 gp UTCs, first overhaul in over 10 yrs, ST integrated into key OPLANs


- Completed 4-wk AOC tng crse w/ amazing 92%; learned key tools/processes; applied new skills to AOC msn
- Conducted five A-10 intel support evaluations; tested critical skill competencies--mbrs combat mission ready
- Provided 6 hrs of academics to Intel Airmen; taught 5 threat lessons--supported four Amn in msn qual upgrades
- Trained four newly assigned intelligence analysts on 15 msn qualification tasks--personnel now mission ready
- Led mobile trng tm to 353 SOG; qualified three Amn in 26 AFI reqs for PACOM theater--ST prep'd for Asia pivot
- Oversaw msn qual trng rewrite; revised 27 lesson briefs--postured 11 ST sqdns w/ cmbt ready Amn for 3 theaters
- Sponsored NGA trng tm, hosted 18 mbrs from 3 services for 40-hr crse, set new Geo info sys standard for AFSOC
- Procured $172K LIDAR software, trained 18 Amn/4 sqdns, first cape in ST, catapulted gp's imagery exploit ability
- Managed gp external trng prgm; handled 35 msn quals for 11 ST sqs--certified 57 intel pers cmbt msn qual'd
- Secured 19 jnt/AF lvl crs; 57 intel pers gained cutting-edge trng worth $49K--gp s analytical toolbox boosted
- Led two-man military trng tm msn qual crs; instructed 36 lessons--qual d four pers/reduced travel costs 50%
- Led 3 mbr team/290 hrs msn qual trng; 17 ST Amn combat msn ready--sustained intel pers for ops in 3 theaters
- Overhauled gp intel trng prgm; penned 18-page OI & polished 120 hrs curriculum--11 sqdns meet AF guidance
- Accomplished two online intelligence courses; 6 hrs of training; increased knowledge/refined intel techniques
- Qualified as ITC; succeeded 4 wk training crse despite 40% washout rate; filled crucial sq deployment reqmt
- Instructed 2 EIT crs; educated prsnl on global threat TTPs/assessments--expanded knowledge of 33 CRW prsnl
- Conducted gp msn qual trng; led six hrs ISR instruction, 14 Amn cmbt msn rdy--sustained 12 sqs in four AORs
- Steered ISR Operators Course, 3 classes, 100 operators, 15 instructors trained, filled critical JTAC knowledge gap
- Liaised w/CRW-West Intel for first ever MQT pgm; created hands-on module--established 90% CMR/13 Amn

Intel Briefing

- Analyzed 26 world event topics; vital background data for intel briefs published on web page for sub-units
- Supported 4 coalition forces overwatch; provided grnd CC w/insurgent TTPs--safeguarded over 540 personnel
- Researched, prep'd, and presented 4 x Current Intel Briefs; enhanced Wing/CC/Staff awareness of critical Intel
- Researched 250 AOR-specific threat rpts; QC'd 196 daily intel briefings--direct support to 27 units' AOR ops
- Conducted 10 pre-deployment briefs; prepared over 2,000 base personnel for combat ops in CENTCOM AOR
- CFACC cmd briefer; led AOR threat analysis, delivered/oversaw 375 CC briefs--guided 200 daily combat sorties
- Facilitated 105 1-star MAAP briefs; CAOC dir armed with threat pic--facilitated approval of 23,270 theater sorties
- Delivered 3 Wg CIBs; researched/brf'd global terrorist threats--conveyed potential CR msn triggers to Wg/CC
- Briefed 6 daily production mtgs; relayed 30 msn sorties' data--enhanced 28 BW/CC's awareness on OCO status

AFSC 1N0X1 All Source Intelligence Analyst (2024)


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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

Phone: +96313309894162

Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.