Easy Herbed Focaccia Bread Recipe (Doubles as a Pizza Crust) – The... (2024)

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by Cassie 4 Comments

Easy Herbed Focaccia Bread Recipe (Doubles as a Pizza Crust) – The... (2)

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Easy Herbed Focaccia Bread Recipe (Doubles as a Pizza Crust) – The... (3)

Making your own bread for dinner is quite simple. Just give yourself 15 minutes of hands on time in the kitchen and you can wow your family with a special treat!

I like to make homemade focaccia bread with our Italian dinner nights. It is a perfect side! I also usually make a dipping sauce to go with it (instead of a topping like butter). If I have fresh basil, I will make a “nut-free” pesto dip, or olive oil with crushed spices is fantastic, marinara is good too! I have also purchased a couple of dipping sauces for cheap with sun dried tomatoes. So I have quite a fun variety of dipping sauces, but a few of my family members just like to eat it as it is too as it is so good!

I use a KitchenAid Mixer which saves me tons of time and effort as it does most of the work…. but you can do it by hand too which just a bit more effort. As far as the pan, you can use any shape and type. Metal square cake pans works fine! I happen to have a round pizza stone that I love, but it will not make a difference (the stones are expensive, but I have had this one for probably 10+ years!).

Here’s the ingredients needed.

  • 1 cup of pretty warm water
  • 2 3/4 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • 1 packet active dry yeast or 2 1/4 teaspoons
  • You will then want 2 teaspoons of green dried herbs – so I usually include equal amounts of dried basil, oregano, parsley and thyme or 2 teaspoons of italian seasoning.
  • 1/2 teaspoon of Rosemary
  • 1 Tablespoon of vegetable oil

For the topping:

  • Olive Oil (usually about a tablespoon – enough to brush all over the top)
  • Parmesan Cheese (again, enough to sprinkle on top to desired likeness)
  • Fennel Seed (sprinkle sparingly on top)

To make:

  • Combine the warm water, flour, yeast, salt and sugar in a bowl or in the bowl of your mixer. Just stir until blended and then let it set for about 15 minutes until bubbles form.
  • Then start the mixer on low speed and add the spices and vegetable oil.
  • Mix/ knead until the dough forms a ball that has elasticity whether with the mixer or by hand.
  • Form the dough into a ball and set in a greased bowl turning a couple of times until the ball is coated in the “spray” grease. Cover with a towel or plastic wrap and let set in a warm place until it doubles in size (about 20- 30 minutes). I just use the mixer bowl for this… so I take the dough out and the dough hook and spray the bowl and put it back in for the rising!
  • Pre-heat the oven to 425 degrees
  • Coat the bottom of the pan in olive oil (and sprinkle any spices if you want)
  • Once the dough rises, punch it down and then turn it over onto the pan you will cook it on. Using a hand or roller, form the dough to the shape of the pan.
  • Then once in place, using your knuckles, “punch” the dough to make the bubble shape.
  • Then go over the dough a second time with a fork to put tiny holes in the dough.

Easy Herbed Focaccia Bread Recipe (Doubles as a Pizza Crust) – The... (4)

  • Brush the dough with the olive oil, then sprinkle with parmesan cheese and fennel seed to liking.
  • Bake for 13-15 minutes until golden brown
  • Cut how every you want (I usually cut into strips) and serve. It can be served warm or room temperature and both ways taste great!

Easy Herbed Focaccia Bread Recipe (Doubles as a Pizza Crust) – The... (5)

This also makes for a very tasty pizza crust too!

Here’s a printable recipe for you to put into your home binder! AND details on the Home Binder with FREE downloads are HERE.

Easy Herbed Focaccia Bread Recipe (Doubles as a Pizza Crust) Print

Recipe type: Side

Author: Cassie from The Thrifty Couple

Prep time:

Cook time:

Total time:

Serves: 10

Here's an easy homemade Focaccia bread that will also double as a pizza crust!


Here's the ingredients needed.

  • 1 cup of pretty warm water
  • 2¾ cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • 1 packet active dry yeast or 2¼ teaspoons
  • You will then want 2 teaspoons of green dried herbs - so I usually include equal amounts of dried basil, oregano, parsley and thyme or 2 teaspoons of italian seasoning.
  • ½ teaspoon of Rosemary
  • 1 Tablespoon of vegetable oil
  • Olive Oil (usually about a tablespoon - enough to brush all over the top)
  • Parmesan Cheese (again, enough to sprinkle on top to desired likeness)
  • Fennel Seed (sprinkle sparingly on top)


  1. Combine the warm water, flour, yeast, salt and sugar in a bowl or in the bowl of your mixer. Just stir until blended and then let it set for about 15 minutes until bubbles form.
  2. Then start the mixer on low speed and add the spices and vegetable oil.
  3. Mix/ knead until the dough forms a ball that has elasticity whether with the mixer or by hand.
  4. Form the dough into a ball and set in a greased bowl turning a couple of times until the ball is coated in the "spray" grease. Cover with a towel or plastic wrap and let set in a warm place until it doubles in size (about 20- 30 minutes). I just use the mixer bowl for this... so I take the dough out and the dough hook and spray the bowl and put it back in for the rising!
  5. Pre-heat the oven to 425 degrees
  6. Coat the bottom of the pan in olive oil (and sprinkle any spices if you want)
  7. Once the dough rises, punch it down and then turn it over onto the pan you will cook it on. Using a hand or roller, form the dough to the shape of the pan.
  8. Then once in place, using your knuckles, "punch" the dough to make the bubble shape.
  9. Then go over the dough a second time with a fork to put tiny holes in the dough.
  10. Brush the dough with the olive oil, then sprinkle with parmesan cheese and fennel seed to liking.
  11. Bake for 13-15 minutes until golden brown
  12. Cut how every you want (I usually cut into strips) and serve. It can be served warm or room temperature and both ways taste great!
  13. This will also double as an awesome pizza crust!

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Reader Interactions


  1. teachinmom

    Do you really add all the flour before letting it sit for 15 m.? I tried this and the dough was pretty much finished–no way for bubbles to form. Thanks. The perfect accompaniment to tonight’s dinner and so easy. It smells delicious, but haven’t tasted it yet.


    • Cassie

      Well, you can just let the salt, yeast and water set – but I found a shortcut in gently mixing the flour and letting it set, then kneading it (by hand or with the mixer). The bubbles are very slight this way – essentially just small air escape holes 🙂 Adding the flour in at the beginning saves me time!


  2. Katy

    My husband and I recently ate a cafe nearby that served a focaccia bread pesto chicken sandwich. I was sure I could make it at home and I did! But the bread was very expensive to buy at the store. I am so excited to have this recipe!

    To make the sandwich, I sliced the bread (carefully) in half to make thinner slices for sandwich bread. I spread pesto on both sides, added cooked chicken and provolone cheese. I then heated it in the microwave for a just a little bit. That’s it! 🙂



  1. […] (Image via: The Thrifty Couple) […]


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Easy Herbed Focaccia Bread Recipe (Doubles as a Pizza Crust) – The... (2024)


Is focaccia dough same as pizza dough? ›

Pizza vs Focaccia

The primary difference is how much yeast is added to the dough and therefore how much the dough is able to rise. Focaccias use more yeast, which gives it a lighter, fluffier texture than a traditional pizza dough and is more closely resembles leavened bread.

Is focaccia better with bread flour or all purpose flour? ›

Bread flour is slightly higher in protein than All-purpose, so gives the focaccia just a little more chew. I love the mix of both, but just AP flour works just fine too! See FAQ for using only AP flour in the recipe if that is what you have.

What is focaccia pizza called? ›

In some contemporary places, such as Rome, it is a style of pizza, also called pizza bianca ( lit. 'white pizza'). Focaccia may be served as a side dish or as sandwich bread and it may be round, rectangular, or square shape.

What are the two types of focaccia? ›

Venetian focaccia is sweet, baked for Easter and resembles the traditional Christmas cake panettone. Sugar and butter are used instead of olive oil and salt. Focaccia barese, which is common in Puglia in southern Italy, is made with durum wheat flour and topped with salt, rosemary, tomatoes or olives.

Can I substitute bread dough for pizza dough? ›

Bread dough and pizza dough aren't the same. However, you can use them interchangeably with a few tweaks in the recipes. Bith pizza dough and bread, though, can give similar results with a bit of trying.

Can I use bread dough instead of pizza dough? ›

Speaking of homemade pizza, it's not a stretch to turn no-knead bread dough into pizza crust. Though actually, that's exactly what it is: take a handful of your favorite no-knead bread dough, s-t-r-e-t-c-h it into a circle, and there you have it: no-knead pizza crust.

What kind of flour is best for focaccia? ›

If you are using active-dry yeast, simply sprinkle the yeast over the lukewarm water and let it stand for 15 minutes or until it gets foamy; then proceed with the recipe. Flour: You can use all-purpose or bread flour here with great results. If you live in a humid environment, I would suggest using bread flour.

What's the best flour for focaccia? ›

Focaccia made with high-protein bread flour produces the best results, but all-purpose flour will work as well.

How do you keep focaccia crispy? ›

If there are any exposed or cut edges, cover them with aluminum foil to keep the inside of the bread soft and the outside crispy.

What's the difference between focaccia and pizza recipe? ›

The base ingredients for pizza dough are simply flour, lukewarm water, salt and active dry yeast, and a bit of oil and sugar. Focaccia dough has a large ratio of liquid in its recipe which produces a very loose dough whereas pizza dough has a higher ratio of flour which makes the dough firmer.

What do you put on pizza crust before baking? ›

Lightly brush the top of the pizza dough with olive oil and sprinkle with garlic salt (don't forget the edges!) This will add flavor and prevent the dough from getting soggy with the toppings. Using a fork, prick several holes in the dough to prevent bubbling.

Does focaccia have to rise twice? ›

Ingredients: Almost all focaccia varieties use flour, water, salt, oil, and yeast. Two rising periods: In the first period, the dough is mixed together, then set to rest and rise (also called bulk fermentation). In the latter period, the dough is deflated, then transferred to a pan for a second rise.

What should I put on my focaccia? ›

Focaccia bread can be topped with anything: olives, caramelized onions, herbs, sun-dried tomatoes or spinach. Today, I am sharing a simple focaccia bread recipe that is crispy on the outside and airy melt in your mouth inside.

What dough is similar to pizza dough? ›

Save time by swapping your regular pizza dough for simple substitutes. Our alternative bases include pitta bread, naan, puff pastry, wraps and polenta. Whether you're short of flour or don't have time to make a pizza base, we've compiled 10 simple shortcuts using shop-bought substitutes.

Is focaccia dough different than bread dough? ›

This focaccia dough is wetter than a lot of other bread doughs, so don't freak out and start Googling and second-guessing everything while falling prey to targeted ads for those clogs you kinda want. The dough should be very sticky but not as thin as batter.

What is focaccia bread similar to? ›

Focaccia is an oven-baked flatbread with a similar texture to pizza dough. It's believed that the Romans invented this style of bread – but they cooked theirs on the hearth, which produces a far crispier version than modern-day offerings.

Is focaccia considered pizza? ›

What the court decided. The court first defined a pizza as made up of bread covered with various toppings, primarily tomato sauce and cheese. It defined focaccia — on its own — as simply a bread. The court then stated that, when a focaccia is covered with various toppings, it has all the attributes of a pizza.


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